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addComponent(ChemicalComponent) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Adds a component to this chemical system.
addReaction(Reaction) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Adds a new reaction to the chemical system.
addReagent(String, int, Phase) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reaction
Adds a reagent to this reaction.
addReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reaction
Adds a reagent to this reaction.
addSpecies(ChemicalSpecies) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Adds a species to this chemical system.
AQUEOUS - Enum constant in enum ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Phase
An aqueous chemical entity lives in a solution with a given volume.


ChemicalComponent - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Represents a chemical component.
ChemicalComponent(String, Phase, double) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalComponent
Initializes a chemical component associated to a new ChemicalSpecies with the specified name and phase.
ChemicalComponent(ChemicalSpecies, double) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalComponent
Initializes a chemical component associated to the specified species.
ChemicalEntity - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Represents a chemical entity with a name and a phase.
ChemicalEntity(String, Phase) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalEntity
Initializes a Chemical entity.
ChemicalSpecies - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Represents a chemical species living in a chemical system.
ChemicalSpecies(String, Phase) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSpecies
Initializes a ChemicalSpecies with an initial null concentration.
ChemicalSystem - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Describes a chemical system, where components reacts to form other chemical species according to chemical reactions.
ChemicalSystem() - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Initializes a default chemical system.
ChemicalSystem(double, double, double) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Initializes a mineral chemical system.
ChemicalSystem.ChemmisolCoreException - Exception in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Wrapper around exceptions thrown by the native chemmisol-cpp library.
Chemmisol - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Main Chemmisol helper class, that defines static methods to load the native chemmisol-cpp library from different places.
Chemmisol() - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
CHEMMISOL - Static variable in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
chemmisol library name.
CHEMMISOL_JAVA - Static variable in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
chemmisol-java library name.
close() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
concentration(String) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Gets the concentration of the species with the specified name directly from the native chemmisol-cpp library.


dispose() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Releases C++ memory resources used by this ChemicalSystem instance.


fixPH(double) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Fixes the pH in a default component named "H+".
fixPH(double, ChemicalComponent) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Fixes the pH, using the provided component as the chemical component representing the H+ ions.


getCoefficient() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reagent
Gets the stoichiometric coefficient associated to this reagent.
getConcentration() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSpecies
Gets the current concentration of this chemical species.
getLogK() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reaction
Gets the base 10 logarithm of this reaction.
getName() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalComponent
Gets the name of the component, i.e. the name of its associated species.
getName() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalEntity
Gets the name of the chemical entity.
getName() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reaction
Gets the name of this reaction.
getPhase() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalComponent
Gets the phase of the species associated to this component.
getPhase() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalEntity
Gets the phase of the chemical entity.
getReagents() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reaction
Gets the current list of reagents of this reaction.
getSpecies() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalComponent
Gets the species associated to this component.
getTotalConcentration() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalComponent
Gets the total concentration of this component.


loadChemmisolLibrariesFromFile(Path) - Static method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
Loads the chemmisol and chemmisol-java libraries from the file system.
loadChemmisolLibrariesFromFiles(Path, Path) - Static method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
Loads the chemmisol and chemmisol-java libraries from the file system.
loadChemmisolLibrariesFromProperties(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
Loads the chemmisol and chemmisol-java libraries from the path represented by the property named lib_directory_property in the project_properties file loaded from the specified class.
loadChemmisolLibrariesFromResource(Class<?>) - Static method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
Loads the chemmisol and chemmisol-java libraries from the resources of the specified class.
loadChemmisolLibrariesFromResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
Loads the chemmisol and chemmisol-java libraries from the resource_path resource folder of the clazz class.
loadChemmisolLibrariesFromResource(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Chemmisol
Loads the chemmisol library from the resource_path_to_chemmisol resource folder of the clazz1 class, and loads the chemmisol-java library from the resource_path_to_chemmisol_java resource folder of the clazz2 class.


MINERAL - Enum constant in enum ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Phase
A mineral chemical entity is a surface complex fixed at the surface of a mineral.


Phase - Enum in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Describes the phase of a chemical entity.


Reaction - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Describes a reaction that transforms reactants into products.
Reaction(String, double) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reaction
Initializes a new Reaction.
reactionQuotient(String) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Returns the reaction quotient of the reaction named reaction_name in this chemical system.
reactionQuotient(Reaction) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Returns the reaction quotient of the specified reaction.
Reagent - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Chemical entity that represents a reagent of a reaction.
Reagent(String, int, Phase) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reagent
Initializes a Reagent.


setCoefficient(int) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Reagent
Sets the stoichiometric coefficient associated to this reagent.
setConcentration(double) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSpecies
Sets the current concentration of the chemical species.
setName(String) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalEntity
Sets the name of the chemical entity.
setTotalConcentration(ChemicalComponent, double) - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Sets the total concentration of the provided component.
setUp() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Sets up the system so that it is ready to be solved.
sitesQuantity() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Returns the total quantity of sites of the surface complex, computed from the solid_concentration, specific_surface_area and site_concentration parameters specified in the ChemicalSystem definition.
solve() - Method in class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.ChemicalSystem
Solves the equilibrium state of this chemical system using the native chemmisol-cpp solver.
Solvent - Class in ummisco.gama.chemmisol
Describes a solvent (such as H2O), that is a chemical component always in excess, with a fixed concentration and activity.
Solvent(String) - Constructor for class ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Solvent
Initializes a new solvent.
SOLVENT - Enum constant in enum ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Phase
A solvent is always in excess and has a fixed concentration and activity.


ummisco.gama.chemmisol - package ummisco.gama.chemmisol


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Phase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ummisco.gama.chemmisol.Phase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form