Package ummisco.gama.chemmisol

package ummisco.gama.chemmisol
  • Class
    Represents a chemical component.
    Represents a chemical entity with a name and a phase.
    Represents a chemical species living in a chemical system.
    Describes a chemical system, where components reacts to form other chemical species according to chemical reactions.
    Wrapper around exceptions thrown by the native chemmisol-cpp library.
    Main Chemmisol helper class, that defines static methods to load the native chemmisol-cpp library from different places.
    Describes the phase of a chemical entity.
    Describes a reaction that transforms reactants into products.
    Chemical entity that represents a reagent of a reaction.
    Describes a solvent (such as H2O), that is a chemical component always in excess, with a fixed concentration and activity.