Class ChemicalComponent

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ChemicalComponent extends Object
Represents a chemical component.

A chemical component is a canocical chemical entity that cannot be divided, from which other chemical species can be produced according to chemical reactions.

The total concentration of a component is defined as the sum of the concentration of the chemical species associated to the component and the concentrations of all the species compound from the component. This total concentration is defined by the user. The chemmisol library then dispatch the total concentration among all species produced from this component when ChemicalSystem.solve() is called. It consequence, when the chemical system is at equilibrium, the total concentration of a component generally does not correspond the concentration of its associated chemical species.

The total concentration of a chemical component can be set using ChemicalSystem.setTotalConcentration(ChemicalComponent, double).

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChemicalComponent

      public ChemicalComponent(ChemicalSpecies species, double total_concentration)
      Initializes a chemical component associated to the specified species.
      species - ChemicalSpecies associated to the new ChemicalComponent. By convention, the name of the component corresponds to the name of the associated species.
      total_concentration - Initial total concentration of the component.
    • ChemicalComponent

      public ChemicalComponent(String name, Phase phase, double total_concentration)
      Initializes a chemical component associated to a new ChemicalSpecies with the specified name and phase.
      name - Name of the chemical species associated to the new chemical component. By convention, the name of the component corresponds to the name of the associated species.
      phase - Phase of the chemical species associated to the new chemical component.
      total_concentration - Initial total concentration of the component.
  • Method Details

    • getSpecies

      public ChemicalSpecies getSpecies()
      Gets the species associated to this component.
      species associated to this component
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name of the component, i.e. the name of its associated species.
      name of this component
    • getPhase

      public Phase getPhase()
      Gets the phase of the species associated to this component.
      phase of the species associated to this component
    • getTotalConcentration

      public double getTotalConcentration()
      Gets the total concentration of this component.
      total concentration of this component